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18. - 26. May 2023
Con Spirito Festival

During Pentecost Filharmonia Hungary annually organises its Church Music Festival. In 2021, in the year of the International Eucharistic Congress, the 6th Con Spirito Church Music Festival focused on Roman Catholic Church music. Besides some of the outstanding performers of church music our programs also included liturgical events, thematic discussions and a remarkable online tour of the Episcopal Palace of Pécs, guided by László Felföldi, Bishop of the Diocese of Pécs, and in the course of a unique event the city of Pécs was magically transformed to the Hungarian Salzburg. The festival hosted some outstanding performers of early music like György Vashegyi, the Orfeo Orchestra, the Purcell Choir, and the historic Choral Schola of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Vienna. In 2022, we are looking forward to hosting our audience with new programs of the highest standards.