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12. - 20. Sep 2026
Franz Liszt International Piano Competition
Mácsai János

János Mácsai musicographer graduated in 1987 from the Musicology Department of the Budapest Liszt Academy and in 1993 also graduated as music director. Until 2000 he worked at the Musicology Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, since then he has been a free-lance musicographer, critic and musical instrument restorer.   

Mácsai regularly publishes articles about music, and concert- and record reviews. He founded the Hungarian Instrument Makers’ Association and launched a periodical titled World of Instruments, in the 1990s he was music director of numerous recordings and television programs.

He regularly contributes to the music programs of the Hungarian Radio as a presenter and critic. He made television programs and film portraits about Lívia Rév pianist, and Angelica Girls’ Choir, among others. Since 2003 he has been a lecturer at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and at the Academy of Music